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Spør en ornitolog

Her kan du stille spørsmål om ville fugler og få svar fra en ornitolog. Om du laster opp et bilde av en fugl som du vil ha hjelp til å artsbestemme, så er det viktig å skrive hvor og når bildet ble tatt. Husk også å søke etter gamle svar, da vi ikke nødvendigvis gir nye svar til allerede stilte spørsmål.

Besvarte spørsmål

#Sykdom og skader


Hello, I rescued a little bird from the mouth of a neighbour's cat. The bird is fully feathered but has not yet learned to fly (that is what the animal doctor said). The doctor checked its wings and said it was likely not broken, but the bird cannot use his left wing properly, he ends up on his back. I try to feed him a glucose solution the doctor gave me. I found him yesterday afternoon and he was fine last night, but this morning he prefers to sit with eyes shut and I have to force-feed him. What can I do? Is there ANYONE in Germany in Hochtaunuskreis/Oberursel/Frankfurt who can help???? Please, if you have advice or know someone here whom I can contact, please help.

G.S. (07.06.2012)


I have no knowledge of possible institutions or persons in Germany who could help you. I suspect that this bird has got internal injuries from the cat claws - that is probably why it sits with shut eyes. I fear that it will die from these injuries, and that there is nothing you can do to prevent its demise.

Roar Solheim (07.06.2012)