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#Sykdom og skader

Wounded Sparrow bird.

Bilde vedlagt spørsmålet

Hey! My name is Michael I am living in a Krokkleiva region 42Km from OSLO and at our work place a Sparrow hit the window.. It was probably disoriented, lost, so I took it at the balcony, put some bowl with water aside and wet bread... when I finished work in 3 hours. Sparrow wasn't on the same spot. It was alive. but very tired (Scared?) so I took it with me, gave it some water. it was drinking a lot. ate bit of bread. I took it home. It was probably sleeping a lot.. But when I wanted to release it. Bird cant normally stand on his own. It flips around trying to fly but it unable. I don't know what to do. I don't want bird to die. I took him home, because of the strong rain and cats around. any Ideas who to call? or who to text? Thx a lot!

M. (15.07.2023)


The bird has probably got a concussion, which may take from hours to several days to heal. You should keep and feed the bird, and watch if the situation improves steadily. The bird could turn well, OR actually suddenly keel over. Nothing you can do but wait and let time work (hopefully magic!).

Roar Solheim (16.07.2023)