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Spør en ornitolog

Her kan du stille spørsmål om ville fugler og få svar fra en ornitolog. Om du laster opp et bilde av en fugl som du vil ha hjelp til å artsbestemme, så er det viktig å skrive hvor og når bildet ble tatt. Husk også å søke etter gamle svar, da vi ikke nødvendigvis gir nye svar til allerede stilte spørsmål.

Besvarte spørsmål


A dovekie youngster on the beach

Bilde vedlagt spørsmålet


During the evening walk on Vikbeach near Leknes, we saw a small dovekie completely alone near the water line. It was flapping its wings but couldn't fly or even run away, really. Nevertheless, it seemed to not be injured and was trying to dry/clean itself.
We didn't touch it, just observed it and then gave it some shrimp, but it didn't eat it.

Is there a way to help it?
Yesterday there was a strong storm, maybe it was blown away somehow.
We were not sure what to do, both taking it home and leaving there seemed wrong.

Thank you!

A.A.B. (16.10.2023)


Best thing is to set them out in the water again, as long as they are not messed up with oil in feathers.

Roar Solheim (17.10.2023)